Using the Cards

The Power of Analogies

How looking differently can help you see something more clearly

Facilitator Cards x Airtable Virtual Agenda Builder

Don’t have your cards with you but still want to make an agenda on the fly? We got you.

What's New on the Virtual Facilitator Guide: Spring 2021

New Zoom activities live on the Virtual Facilitator Guide to mix up your next online gathering

How to Write On, Clean Off, and Reuse Your Facilitator Cards

Answers to a few Card Carrier questions from our first Card Sharks session.

Virtual Facilitation Agenda: Four Activities from Minute Papers to 10/10/10 Analysis

A stack of cards for facilitating deep introspection, dialogue, and coaching participants to make a decision that will stand up to the test of time — all on Zoom.

Virtual Facilitation Agenda: Four Activities from Strike a Pose to Dot Voting

A stack of cards you can use for an engaging Zoom meeting that surfaces emotions, ideas, clarifies those ideas, and finally lands on a collective decision.

How to Facilitate Magnet Statements

A preview chapter from the Facilitator Cards Facilitation Guide

Facilitation Sequence: Magnet Statements + 5 Whys

A pairing of activities to help you better understand your group, help them understand each other, and to dig into what is bubbling under the surface.

How to Pick the Right Activity: Ask yourself what it's for

Group size and energy levels matter, of course, but those need to come second to this.

Changing the Game

How I gradually made my facilitations more about my participants than my plan.